Wireless BBS


I’m inspired by the nostalgia of the BBS systems of my youth and by the high cost of modern Internet service providers. By the impending loss of net neutrality in the United States and by the widespread spying of worldwide governments on their citizens and corporations on their customers.

Wireless BBS is a configuration suggestion for local operators who wish to share websites with their communities without connection costs. It describes a simple setup for using relatively cheap off-the-shelf consumer WiFi routers to communicate with your close neighbors using a web browser. It also describes a method of using the git version control software for mirroring data across systems who wish to coordinate.
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Create a Preact App from Scratch

I wrote these instructions after having written my previous instructions Create a React App from Scratch. The process is almost identical. The result is a much smaller app.

A basic preact application needs npm, yarn, babel, and webpack. This is a step by step guide to installing these things and setting up a minimal initial preact project.
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Create a React App from Scratch

A basic react application needs npm, yarn, babel, and webpack. This is a step by step guide to installing these things and setting up a minimal initial react project.

I’ll assume you have npm and yarn already installed. Go install those if you don’t regularly use them. You can substitute npm commands for the yarn commands below, if you like. I use yarn so my instructions are tailored to it.
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How I Implemented Comments on a Static Site

In the past I used a static site generator for this blog and I was looking for a simple way to add comments without using a 3rd party tool like Disqus. I don’t want a 3rd party tracking my users and I don’t want to encumber my blog with any server backend. I want the site to be so simple that you could easily host it from your basement on a Raspberry Pi or otherwise very small computer.
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